Netball is an atheletic sport played primarily by females throughout the world. Just over 10 million girls and women as well as some men play this sport.

While talking about netball, politics and health often comes into the equation... lets talk about that too.

Together we will mix it up for the betterment of everyone concerned.

Sunday 24 August 2008

The Nation Newspaper | Barbados out of hosting CNA Under 16 tournamnt

The Nation Newspaper | Barbados out

Really... the above story speaks to Barbados passing up the opportunity to host the CNA Under 16 tournament in 2009 under the guise that the netball stadium will be being refurbished ....and who are we kidding. Did the Barbados netball Association get something in writting from the powers that be with respect to the stadium I know they did not.
Was not the 2006 AFNA qualifiers held at the gymnasium while the same plans for the refurbishment of the stadium were on the cards?

Did Barbados really pass up this opportunity to host this tournament and allow Jamaica- the alternate host to organise the tournament ... and will Barbados be able to host in 2010?

And what nonsense is this about Barbados not benefitting from their Under 16 teams...The goal defence in the 2008 Barbados team was this year's under 16 captain. The goal attack played under 16 , then under 21 and now senior in 2008. The Browne sisters all played under 16, under 21 and seniors.And the list goes could go back to Julie Phillips and Denise Alleyne, Olivia Walcott etc who played in what was then a school girls team, then played under 21 and then seniors. The record is there, we don't have to rely on anyone's memory.

You know I am tired of persons who should know misrepresenting what happens in sport in this country.

enough said.

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