Netball is an atheletic sport played primarily by females throughout the world. Just over 10 million girls and women as well as some men play this sport.

While talking about netball, politics and health often comes into the equation... lets talk about that too.

Together we will mix it up for the betterment of everyone concerned.

Thursday 18 June 2009

Barbados vs Scotland ..Test the wildey gymnasium

The game was won by Barbados 48-37 eventualy, although it took a complete change of the attacking part of Barbados game to achieve this.
Coach Waithe started with Walcott at GA and Bishop at GS and Quarless at C with Smith at WA.
This combination was slow, unenterprising, and above all inept. Olivia Walcott has had her best days at this sport, and really ought not to be playing at this level. The quick, agile Walcott is no more and therefore she clogged up the entrance to the circle resulting in Bishop having to play outside the box . This meant that sometimes she was starved of the ball by an ineffective mid court.
The other end of the court was also in trouble, as captain Martindale did not appear to be present, and Puckeirin has never been useful at goal keeper. The scottish attack had a ball ..... with the goal shooter rolling and finishing about a foot away from the pool in the middle of the goal circle. Had the Scottish lass been more accurate , her country would have led Barbados by at least five goals at half time.

However, the third quarter saw a new attacking unit of Piggott-GA, Browne -GS, Shepherd - WA and Quarless back at centre after a minor spill. Piggott was quick and roamed the centre court at will, and when necessary put some good passes into GS Browne. This stopped Scotland in their tracks and Bdos stretched their lead and eventually won fairly comfortably.

Coach Waithe must now be sure that Walcott cannot play Goal attack at this level any longer, no matter how well she played in the past. She must also be aware that if Bishop does not get the ball she cannot shoot, so the centre court must work out a much better way to get the ball to her. At the other end, the defenders need real work at their reflexes and man-to-man tactics.

Barbados should not have to fight to beat this scottish team, as it is obviously in the rebuilding stage , although their attacking machine seems well just need a better finishing job and less turn overs.

QUARTER TIME SCORE.....11-11: 21-22(SCOTLAND) 35-28 (BDOS)...38-37 (BDOS)
Shooting Stats
Barbados - Lydia Bishop 18 of 21, OIivia Walcott 3 of 4, Laurel Browne 22 of 24, and Nikita Piggott 5 of 9
Scotland - Jennifer Dingwall 28 of 41 and Lesley Mc Donald 9 of 19

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