Netball is an atheletic sport played primarily by females throughout the world. Just over 10 million girls and women as well as some men play this sport.

While talking about netball, politics and health often comes into the equation... lets talk about that too.

Together we will mix it up for the betterment of everyone concerned.

Thursday 25 September 2008

The Nation Newspaper | BNA's Under 21 Coach's motto: Never say die

The Nation Newspaper | Coach's motto: Never say die

Really..Well Coach Jordan ..its a miracle you would have to pull off, if Barbados is to be even competitive at the upcoming world youth championships in July 2009 in the Cook Islands.

At least 80 per cent of the competing countries already have their teams , and have been involved in at least one test series .

Why the Barbados Netball Association has slipped backed in this area is mind boggling. The 2005 World Youth World cup team was together for over two years and still had a rough time at the championships.

Why would we be doing this to our young netballers, kowning where they are coming from in terms of standard of local netball during the past season?

The adminstrators of netball must answer the question as to why even as I type this , no practise sessions have started. The coach was only appointed some time in August.
Are we serious? We are talking about world championships, not a club competition.

We are now going to ask a group of youngsters whose work ethic is to come to the stadium and have some fun playing netball, to overnight acquire the necessary attitude , strength, knowledge of game at the world level, fitness and desire to transform and uplift themselves into a team that can compete with Australia, New Zealand, Jamaica, England, Scotland, Samoa, Fiji, Malawi, Botswana, Singapore , etc.

Oh come on....We as adminstrators need to stop this foolishness. The Board of the BNA already has ample proof and evidence that you cannot prepare a team for world competiton in less than one year. Yet for whatever reason, they have managed to procrastinate and now have given a first time national coach the job of getting a Barbados team competitive for this level in 7-8 months.

All I can do is wish her lots of luck, and knowing that we are talking about sport..the truth is that all things are possible!!!!!! And yes Coach..we are hoping for a miracle!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Preparing a team for world championships this late will call for a lot of support from those QUALIFIED to offer assistance. Coach Jordan should seek assistance from other coaches with positive attitudes.

Anonymous said...

It is amazing that we can never see past our biases when "looking" at issues. Our sport is dying and noone wants to admit it. The preparation of a team for a World Championship cannot start months before and any real benefits realized. We are taking youngsters who know about playing what..divisions 4,5 maybe 2 if they were lucky and putting against teams that have been in training for years. The results are left to be seen. Serious support is needed, but it must be seen to be needed. Good luck U21s

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