Netball is an atheletic sport played primarily by females throughout the world. Just over 10 million girls and women as well as some men play this sport.

While talking about netball, politics and health often comes into the equation... lets talk about that too.

Together we will mix it up for the betterment of everyone concerned.

Friday 3 October 2008

Lets Talk Politics


Not too much longer to wait to see who will be the new president of the United States.

Lots of people in the Caribbean are wishing Obama in, simply because as they see it would be the first time that a black man is the presiden of the United States of America.

I just want to caution this group that the president of the United States is dictated to by the policy makers of the USA. Therefore whether the president is black or is the policy makers who matter.

Obama will not be able to do "what he thinks should be done"..if it fits in with what the policy makers want, then so be it..otherwise he will forget it.

so please don't let us believe for one moment that Mr. Obama is going to be able to change the direction of the USA foreign, ecomomic or social policy unless it fits it with what the guys on Capitol Hill and the Foreign Relations committee want.

In other words..please let us stay real

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