Netball is an atheletic sport played primarily by females throughout the world. Just over 10 million girls and women as well as some men play this sport.

While talking about netball, politics and health often comes into the equation... lets talk about that too.

Together we will mix it up for the betterment of everyone concerned.

Wednesday 18 February 2009


Hi guys;

Here are the rules for the NETBALL WORLD SERIES to be played in Manchester England between the top six countries in the world - Australia, New Zealand, England, Jamaica, Malawi and Samoa:


1. Matches will be 4 x 6 minutes with 3 x 2 minutes breaks

2. An unlimited number of rolling substitutions per team per quarter is allowed. Each team may make any number of rolling substitutions at any one time. A rolling substitute may enter the game while play is in progress. There will be a designated substitution box at each transverse line, and located next to the coaching area, where rolling substitute/s shall wait holding up a substitution paddle indicating the player/s to be substituted. Team changes may not be made during a rolling substitution, as the game is not stopped

3. The official team bench is located on the opposite side of the court from the team benches and substitution boxes

4. After a goal is scored, the game restarts from a centre pass taken by the team who conceded the last goal. The captain winning the toss chooses end or first centre pass at the start of the first and third quarter. The other team will have first centre pass at the start of the second and fourth quarter.

5. There is no Umpire whistle after a goal is scored.

6. Coaches will be allowed to coach from the team bench or coaching area, located in front of their team bench. The coaching area will be marked on the floor.

7. Each team will elect one quarter as a power play when any goals scored will be doubled. The elected power play quarter must be notified by the coach before the quarter commences, by pressing the control button to turn on a light.

8. Shooters may shoot from inside or outside of the goal circle. All successful goals from outside the goal circle will be worth double i.e. two goal points. The umpire will signal a successful goal by raising one hand for one goal point and two hands for two goal points (In a power play this could result in 1 goal scoring 2 goal points or 4 goal points)

9. All stoppages for injury or illness will be 30 seconds

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