Netball is an atheletic sport played primarily by females throughout the world. Just over 10 million girls and women as well as some men play this sport.

While talking about netball, politics and health often comes into the equation... lets talk about that too.

Together we will mix it up for the betterment of everyone concerned.

Wednesday 21 January 2009


In what could only be described as a passive demononstration of some kind, the Barbados Netball Association's general meeting called yesterday had a total of 11 persons in attendance.

Two members of the Board and either five or six clubs were represented at what should have been an important meeting, as a second attempt at voting for the first vice president and secretary of the Association was the main item on the agenda.

In what in some circles is being described as a farce...Juanita Cordle was elected the First Vice President, and Alicia Jemmott the Secretary.There was one other nominee for each post, but the persons nominated were not at the meeting.

I am very aware of the poor record clubs in sport in Barbados have with respect to attending meetings,but it says nothing for this sport, that two of its most important positions were vacant after the annual general meeting, a second attempt was made on old year's evening when six persons attended, and on the third attempt less than 15 persons were at this meeting.
I think I will be stating the obvious if I say that something is not scoring here..but I am hoping that despite yesterday's result, the Board and the entire netball fraternity could get its act together and move the sport forward in what will be a very challenging year, especially in the financial area.

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