Netball is an atheletic sport played primarily by females throughout the world. Just over 10 million girls and women as well as some men play this sport.

While talking about netball, politics and health often comes into the equation... lets talk about that too.

Together we will mix it up for the betterment of everyone concerned.

Friday 5 December 2008

Oh No...Not again

The night of December 4th 2008 was not a particularly good one for the administration of netball in Barbados.

Without going into the details, at the end of the night of the 35th Annual general meeting of the BNA, two posts on the seven member board remained vacant.

The incumbent president, Octavia Gibson, was elected unopposed. However, the entire netball fraternity was in a state of shock and disbelief when it was discovered that the person who was touted to challenge Ms. Gibson, was not nominated by her club. This will go down as one of the mysteries of sport generally in 2008. Suffice is to say, that this was a really unfortunate occurrence.

There was no nomination for the post of first vice president or the post of secretary.
Daisy Browne was re-elected the Treasurer, while Sharon Corbin of Banks Spurs sits on the Board for the first time in the position of Assistant Secretary/Treasurer.
Veronica Harris and Frank Harper were elected as the other directors.

The Association will now be in a state of abeyance as according to the constitution a period of 30 days must elapse before any attempt is made to reconvene the meeting. In the event that no nominations are received, nominations will be accepted from the floor!!!!!!!

There are persons who were prepared to offer themselves for the unfilled posts, but for varying reasons their nomination forms were not the right place at the right time.

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